Our Mission

Northeast Massachusetts Mosquito Control and Wetlands Management District

Mission Statement:

The Northeast Massachusetts Mosquito Control and Wetlands Management District represents the mosquito control and wetlands management interests of those communities that choose to subscribe to its services.

Our Mission is to

  • Protect its citizens from mosquito-borne diseases by targeting precise, measured, and preemptive responses to specific risk as prescribed by the district’s annually-revised Integrated Pest and Vector Management Plan (IPVMP) 
  • To ensure that our citizens quality of life and regional economy is not severely impacted by abundant pestiferous mosquito outbreaks

Strategies targeted to reduce dominant mosquito populations are implemented as prescribed by the district’s annually-revised Best Management Practice (BMP) plans. BMP’s are designed to incorporate the district’s environmentally sensitive and cost effective mosquito control strategies with the specific needs and concerns of each member community.